2018 Election ~ Candidate’s Pro-Life Questionnaire
Taking the life of an unborn child is a horrendous and murderous act that has claimed millions of a generation.
President Donald J. Trump has boldly proclaimed a pro-life position and from across our great nation, representatives are speaking up for the silenced voices.
As a “conservative 2018 candidate,” does the AZ pro-life community have your pledge to support the President’s pro-life agenda to include your pro-life vote on all pro-life legislation whether serving at the state or federal level in accordance with the current 2016 GOP Platform, Page 10: “We have these truths to be self-evident – that all men are created equal – that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights – that among these are LIFE, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”?
Government exists first and foremost to protect these unalienable rights that God bestows on every individual; that man-made law must be consistent with God-given natural rights; that if God-given natural rights come in conflict with government, court or human-granted rights, God-given natural unalienable rights always prevail – and there is a moral law recognized as the” laws of nature and of Nature’s God.”
As a “conservative 2018 pro-life candidate” will you:
1) Remain constant in safeguarding the dignity of every innocent human life from “Conception until Natural Death”?
2) Pledge to not allow to be misled by ignorance or corrupted by fee or favor?
3) Boldly proclaim your unwavering stand for the “culture of life” ensuring every innocent life is protected under the guidelines of the U. S. Constitution?
Printed Name: _____________________________
Candidate For:__________________
www.evactionalliance.org 480-216-7217 [email protected]
Download the 2018 Election Questionnaire and email completed form to [email protected]