Arizona Named the Most Pro-Life State 2019
Americans United for Life is proud to present our 2019 Life List. Our Life List is our annual state ranking based on our comprehensive legal analysis of each state’s legal protections for human life from conception to natural death.
This year, we are excited to announce that Arizona has gained our highly coveted #1 ranking this year, closely followed by Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Kansas.
Steve Aden, AUL’s Chief Legal Officer & General Counsel, said that legislators across the country are continuing to fight back against “increasingly corporate abortion industry, that is determined to put their profit margins before the health and safety of women and children.”
The AZ East Valley Action Alliance is grateful to our Arizona pro-life voters for electing those lawmakers who have taken a strong stand for life; protecting our pre-born babies and their mothers. We especially thank those pro-life legislators for keeping their commitments to the pro-life community, making Arizona the most pro-life state in our country. 480-216-7217 [email protected]