Joe & Jinny Perron’s Bio
Pro-Life Activism began for Joe & Jinny when Joe, nearing retirement of 32 years with the Federal Aviation Agency, joined the Mesa Right to Life. He was soon elected as their President. Jinny, then became active soon after and was elected as Vice-President and Treasurer.
While attending a quarterly state meeting as President of a Chapter, Joe took the initiative and volunteered Jinny to fill the opened State’s position of Secretary, hence both he & Jinny were now members of the Arizona Right to Life Board of Directors.
Together they served on the Board for 10 consecutive years. Joe, in addition to President of the Mesa Chapter, where he was lauded as putting the chapter “on the map”, was also elected to serve as the Chairman of Chapter Development for the State Organization.
Jinny, in addition to Vice-President and Treasurer of the Mesa Chapter, served the State Organization as Secretary for three years, Vice-President for four years and was elected President for three consecutive years, during which time she was lauded by both staff and board members as the most effective and best President to serve in that capacity within the past decade.
Also during these 10 years Joe & Jinny served on the AZ Right to Life Events Committee, chairing numerous Conferences and Gala Fundraisers with outstanding success, while continuing to also host many pro-life events for the Mesa Chapter.
The need to expand the pro-life message to our Senior Citizens as well as to the youths throughout an ever-growing East Valley, encouraged the dedicated pro-life couple to step out in faith to found the AZ East Valley Pro-Life Alliance in March of 2011. Along with several other faithful pro-lifers, with many cumulative years of pro-life experience, as its co-founders, this new found pro-life organization has gained much recognition and continues to grow beyond expectations.
With the realization that politics and legislation play a huge part in overturning unconstitutional legislation such as Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion on demand throughout our great nation, Joe & Jinny became politically active in serving their Legislative District as Precinct Committeemen and State Delegates for many years and continue to do so today.
Prior to their 24/7 lifestyle of promoting the “Sanctity of Life”, Joe & Jinny were very active in Country Western Couple Dancing. Qualifying for “The Boot Scooter’s Demo Team they performed for many of the East Valley Nursing Homes, Retirement Communities and public events. In addition, they along with their dance team were televised on TNN @ the Wildhorse Saloon in Nashville, TN and at Club Dance in Knoxville.
Their hobbies include DJ Music, playing for events in support of the pro-life movement, and their love for dancing since their “courtship” days, has continued throughout their life-time together.
A part-time Realtor, Joe is also a member of the Real Estate for Life program that donates a portion of their commissions to the cause for life. He is a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus and the couple currently serves as the Pro-Life Chair couple for the Resurrection Knights of Columbus Council in Tempe.
The Perron’s have been awarded several Certificates of Recognition over the years from both their Legislative District Leadership and Knights of Columbus Councils for their outstanding pro-life efforts.
Proud Veterans, Joe & Jinny met and married while they both were serving in the United States Navy at Quonset Point, Rhode Island and just last December celebrated their 52tnd Wedding Anniversary.
They have been blessed with seven children, (two are with Our Lord). They are the proud grandparents of seven grandchildren, (two adopted at birth) and three great-grandchildren – all of whom bring great joy into their lives.