Arizona Named the Most Pro-Life State 2019 Americans United for Life is proud to present our 2019 Life List. Our Life List is our annual state ranking based on our comprehensive legal analysis of each state’s legal protections for human life from conception to natural death. This year, we are excited to announce that Arizona […]
Veterans Day Remembrance…November 11, 2018 The 11th month, the 11th day, the 11th hour, the 11th minute… We honor, salute and thank all the past and present men and women … who have served our country. We don’t know them all…but we owe them all !! May God Bless our Veterans on Veterans Day…and […]
General Election 2018 ~ Candidates’ Pro-Life Pledge The AZ East Valley Action Alliance Board of Directors commend and applaud the following candidates for courageously aligning their pro-life position with that of President Trump’s bold pro-life agenda pledging: 1) to remain constant in safeguarding the dignity of every innocent human life from “conception to […]
General Election 2018 ~ Candidate’s Pro-Life Questionnaire
Taking the life of an unborn child is a horrendous and murderous act that has claimed millions of a generation. President Donald J. Trump has boldly proclaimed a pro-life position and from across our great nation, representatives are speaking up for the silenced voices. As a “conservative 2018 candidate,” does the AZ pro-life community have […]
2018 Election ~ Candidates’ Pro-Life Pledge
2018 Election ~ Candidates’ Pro-Life Pledge The AZ East Valley Action Alliance Board of Directors commend and applaud the following candidates for courageously aligning their pro-life position with that of President Trump’s bold pro-life agenda pledging: 1) to remain constant in safeguarding the dignity of every innocent human life […]
2018 Election Candidates Pro-Life Questionnaire
2018 Election ~ Candidate’s Pro-Life Questionnaire Taking the life of an unborn child is a horrendous and murderous act that has claimed millions of a generation. President Donald J. Trump has boldly proclaimed a pro-life position and from across our great nation, representatives are speaking up for the silenced voices. As a “conservative 2018 candidate,” […]
MEMORIAL DAY TRIBUTE 2018 “They answered their country’s call to arms, into battle they did go Where their final destination was, no one will ever know. May their final resting place, under some unknown sod, be forever hallowed, for it is known only unto God.” WE REMEMBER “We remember the many brave men and women […]
2018 Election ~ Candidate’s Pro-Life Questionnaire
2018 Election ~ Candidate’s Pro-Life Questionnaire Taking the life of an unborn child is a horrendous and murderous act that has claimed millions of a generation. President Donald J. Trump has boldly proclaimed a pro-life position and from across our great nation, representatives are speaking up for the silenced voices. As a “conservative 2018 […]
President Trumps March for Life speech 2018
President Trumps March for Life Speech to 2018 WASHINGTON D.C., January 19, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – LifeSiteNews is pleased to provide an exclusive transcript of President Donald Trump’s March for Life speech in Washington D.C. Thank you very much, that’s so nice. Sit, please. We have tens of thousands of people watching this right down the […]
BREAKING: Justice Dept. Launches Criminal Investigation of Planned Parenthood for Selling Aborted Baby Parts
The U.S. Department of Justice officially is investigating whether the abortion chain Planned Parenthood sold aborted babies’ body parts for profit. Fox News broke the story late Thursday after obtaining a letter from Justice Department Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Stephen Boyd requesting unredacted documents from the U.S. Senate committee that investigated the abortion […]