TheAZ East Valley Pro-Life Alliance Board of Directors is
especially pleased to announce
AZ Congressman Trent Franks as our “Pro-Life Star ~ 2013”!
Congressman Franks, a staunch pro-life Champion for the Babies, will receive the
Crystal Star Award during the Luncheon Program of the AZ East Valley Action
Alliance Pro-Life Constitutional Conference on Saturday, September 21st at the
DoubleTree San Tan Elegante, Gilbert AZ.
Congressman Trent Franks sponsored House Resolution 1797,
“Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”, prohibiting abortions from being
performed after 20-weeks gestation to the day of birth. Following an intense battle in the
U.S. House of Representatives, on June 18, 2013, Resolution 1797 passed by a 228-196 vote.
Within the confines of its mission, the AZ East Valley Action Alliance acknowledges
and supports our pro-life political “Ministers of Life” Legislators. Persevering in the face of extreme opposition, they work diligently
to pass Pro-Life Legislation aimed at protecting our innocent vulnerable pre-born children.
The September 21, 2013 Pro-Life Constitutional Conference is designed to provide
family-orientated pro-life education and the opportunity for the pro-life community
to gather and publicly express our sincere gratitude to our Pro-Life Legislators,
especially Congressman Trent Franks, as he receives the AZ East Valley Pro-Life Alliance’s
prestigious Crystal Star Award for his outstanding pro-life accomplishments!
For online registration please visit or e-mail [email protected] or call: 480-216-7217.