January 2017 ~ 44th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade
~Every Life is a God-given Gift that has value
from Conception to Natural Death~
Hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers gathered last week for the 2017 March for Life in Washington, D. C. to commemorate the 44th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the tragic U. S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand.
Since this infamous decision of January 22, 1973, nearly 61 million unborn babies have had their lives condemned to horrific painful deaths….for the crime of being “inconvenient”. Tragically, almost 4,000 babies are killed before they are born every single day in America.
2016 was an extremely critical election year resulting in an historic giant leap forward for the pro-life cause! Seizing the opportunity to finally change the pro-abortion political landscape of the last eight years, “We the People” stood up for LIFE and elected a genuine pro-life President and Vice-President!
For these past eight years, during the annual March for Life, the most pro-abortion President, in history, actually celebrated abortion, issuing a statement praising Roe vs. Wade.
In stark contrast the 2017 March for Life received unprecedented support from the newly elected pro-life President and his Administration.
Elections do have consequences!!!
Historic Highlights of 2017 March for Life:
President Trump tweets to March for Life: ‘You have my full support!’ By Patrick B. Craine
VP Pence tells March For Life: ‘Life is winning again in American’
By Pete Baklinski
Kellyanne Conway tells marchers: This is a ‘new dawn for life’ in America The most powerful woman in Trump’s White House
brought a strong message to the March for Life today. By Lianne Laurence
NFL’s Ben Watson to March for Life: Men must ‘rise up and lead the charge’ against abortion By Lianne Laurence
After Trump support, the March for Life was the #1 trending topic on Twitter/Facebook
https://www.lifesitenews.com/pulse/after-trump-support-the-march-for-life-was-the-1-trending-topic-on-twitter By John Jalsevac
Awesome time-lapse video shows massive crowd at 2017 March for Life
Literally hundreds of thousands of marchers can be seen walking along the route in the 82 second video. By Pete Baklinski
The Arizona East Valley Action Alliance State Committeemen of the Republican Party; the party of LIFE, commends and thanks Congressman Gosar and Congressman Biggs for recognizing the March for Life and its importance at the State Mandatory Meeting last Saturday. Their positive pro-life comments were most welcomed and gratefully appreciated.
Joe & Jinny Perron, Co-Founders & Executive Comittee Officers AZ East Valley Action Alliance, Inc.
480-216-7217 www.evactionalliance.org [email protected]