No Medicaid Expansion
The “right to life” is the foundational right of human beings, upon which all other human rights are based. Our pre-born babies ask nothing extraordinary, or different than we would extend to any “innocent” person. On May 1, 2013 the AZ East Valley Action Alliance issued an urgent call for the entire pro-life community to join with us in speaking out in opposition to any Medicaid expansion by contacting Governor Brewer and demanding she abandon her Medicaid plans that carelessly endangered these innocent lives.
The EVAA concurred with the opinion of M. Casey Mattox, Senior Counsel of the Alliance Defending Freedom that this reckless Medicaid Expansion “would necessarily result in increased funding of abortion providers in Arizona and would subsidize abortions”.
The EVAA was also in complete agreement with the following (excerpts from their original statements) issued by our trustworthy pro-life Representatives Olson and Pierce:
“After careful consideration of the proposed plan to support Medicaid as called for under Obamacare, I have concluded that this is not a proposal that I can support. As a committed pro-life legislator, I can not support this increase in taxpayer funding for abortion providers.” Rep. Justin Olson, LD25.
“Make no mistake – a vote in favor of Medicaid expansion is a vote to provide additional funding to organizations that support abortion services”. Rep. Justin Pierce, LD25
(Full statements can be read on the EVAA website at )
One last desperate plea for the babies was issued by the AZ East Valley Action Alliance on June 12, 2013, pleading for the lives of the babies urgently requesting a NO VOTE on the Governor’s Medicaid Expansion Plan – a well-known fact that this plan under Obamacare in Arizona would unequivocally increase funding to Planned Parenthood and other Arizona abortion providers.
As their funding increased so would abortions! Additionally, as Obamacare is fully implemented Planned Parenthood would receive millions more dollars to kill more of our AZ babies. In this desperate plea, the EVAA called upon the Arizona citizens, urging them to take immediate action in contacting their Representative; pleading with them to morally do the right thing by VOTING NO on the Governor’s Medicaid Expansion Plan as the first and foremost step in protecting precious LIFE here in our great state of Arizona!
In speaking out in opposition of the Medicaid Expansion, the EVAA condemned Governor Brewer’s plans as totally unacceptable for the health and safety of our pre-born babies; inquiring as to how many more Arizona babies’ lives were we willing to sacrifice for so-called “free” federal government money?
EVAA Supports Arizona’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Threats to religious liberty have become very real in recent years and are increasing. Due to these threats the EVAA supported two very identical and important bills relating to religious liberty (SB 1062 and HB 2153). According to these bills, Arizona’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) statute would be updated to clarify its intent in light of recent court decisions across the country which would ensure the religious liberty of individuals and businesses remain protected. SB 1062 and HB2153 would help to avoid the situations being experienced around the country where businesses are being forced to close because of their owners’ faith. Therefore, the EVAA issued a “call to action” alert for the public to contact their legislators requesting their support of these bills.
These two identical bills were combined and passed by both the House and the Senate followed with an “urgent call “ for the Governor Brewer to sign into law SB1062 to make sure religious liberties are better protected for Arizonans.
This bill would have protected your right to freely practice your faith by strengthening the right to defend yourself in court ……..but unfortunately was vetoed by the Governor “caving in” to opponents of the bill. Much had been written about this law that was intentionally misleading; the biggest story.
More concerned with being politically correct than factually correct, the press used its power to distort a debate it was meant to detail. Overnight, the bill, that was already on the books became characterized as a violent weapon of inhumanity meant to shame and oppress homosexuals. People stopped reading the bill, blindly adopting the media’s outrage and “anti-gay” labeling without bothering to study the two pages of text and discover for themselves that nothing in SB1062 would have given businesses more power than they already had to discriminate against homosexuals
In one of the more tragic ironies of this debate, the media didn’t seem to realize that the freedom of the press is built on the solid rock of the religious liberty they were destroying. In their haste to drive faith underground, the liberal media ended up undermining the very freedom that gave voice to the speech it enjoys.