VETERANS DAY 2023 is a legal holiday dedicated to American Veterans of all wars. Veterans Day 2023, Saturday, November 11th, pays tribute to all American Veterans, living or deceased, but especially gives thanks to living veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime.
In commemorating MEMORIAL DAY, May 29, 2023, we remember that FREEDOM isn’t FREE!
Our deepest appreciation, thoughts, prayers and HONOR
are extended to those who made the ultimate
sacrifice for our FREEDOM.
Join Lee Greenwood in singing
“God Bless the USA”
For God, Life & Liberty,
Joe Perron, President
PRAY FOR AMERICA……..a must watch!!
Priests for Life Media and Travel | ||||||||||||||
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November 11, 2022
Veterans Day Remembrance…November 11, 2022
The 11th month, the 11th day, the 11th hour, the 11th minute…
We honor, salute and thank all the past and present
men and women … who have served our country.
We don’t know them all…but we owe them all !!
May God Bless our Veterans on Veterans Day…and Always!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“A Soldier doesn’t fight because he hates what is in front of him…
He fights because he loves what he left behind” 602-216-7217 [email protected]
Sharing information to help you join us in our efforts to END ABORTION ……………..
AUGUST 15, 2022
We are thankful for the end of Roe v. Wade. The decision for ‘life’ is now returned to the individual States.
Please see the following link regarding Sheriff Mack, Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association:
As Americans, one of our most precious rights is the RIGHT TO VOTE! We invite you to go to :
Please see the following website for many “Miracle of Life” articles:
Thank you for your continued support in our efforts to end abortion in every State and the world.
Joseph Perron
AZ East Valley Action Alliance
The Board of Directors of East Valley Action Alliance
wishes everyone a memorable and happy INDEPENDENCE DAY!!
“Happy Birthday ARIZONA “ ~ Valentine’s Day, February 14th

Christmas is holy, Christmas is glory
Christmas is the most beautiful story
May yours begin with joy and end with love
With every beautiful blessing that comes from above
The AZ East Valley Action Alliance
Board of Directors
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Summer~Autumn 2021 Pro-Life News
AZ PRO-LIFE VICTORIES ~ September 2021
* prohibits public educational institutions from performing abortions,
* calls for the cremation or burial of aborted babies,
* forbids abortions on the basis of genetic abnormalities like Down Syndrome, and clarifies that abortion-inducing drugs may not be sent through the mail.
For these reasons SB-1457 will help mothers and their unborn babies, while saving lives; thus the pro-life community is appreciative of Senator Nancy Barto for sponsoring this bill and all of the elected officials who voted in support!
Other pro-life victories this year included SB-1264 (sponsored by Senator Barto) which will better promote adoptions to women otherwise seeking abortion and HB-2410 (sponsored by Representative Diego Espinoza) which expands
Arizona’s Safe Haven Law for newborn babies from 3 days to 30 days. (Excerpts taken from ACC 2021 Legislative Wrap-Up)
Please keep all our elected officials in prayer for their AWESOME pro-life accomplishments this past legislative session!
Distributed by: AZ East Valley Action Alliance 480-216-7217 [email protected]
HAPPY 245TH BIRTHDAY, AMERICA!! ~ July 4, 2021
America has been abundantly blessed, however, it is becoming more and more apparent, of the day to day erosion, of our nation’s founding principles; the sanctity of all human life, marriage and family values. Demonic forces are clearly at play in this current environment necessitating an urgent call to relentless prayer and sacrifice by “we the people” for our beloved Country!
“Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalms 33:12, ESV)
As we prepare to celebrate the 245th Birthday of our great Nation on this 4th of July, let us thank God for the gift of freedom; may we never take our
freedom for granted, eternally grateful for those who gave their lives for the freedom of the Republic in which we live today – “One Nation Under God”
“Prayer for the Fourth of July”
Eternal God, stir thou our minds and stimulate our hearts with the high sense of patriotism as we approach the Fourth of July. May all that this day symbolizes renew our faith in freedom, our devotion to democracy and redouble our efforts to keep our government of the people, by the people and for the people, truly alive in our world.
Grant that we may highly resolve on this great day to dedicate ourselves anew to the task of ushering in an era when good will shall live in the hearts of a free people, justice shall be the light to guide their feet and peace shall be the goal of humankind: to the glory of thy holy name and the good of our nation and all of mankind. Amen (Offered by Chaplain, Reverend Edward G. Latch, July 3, 1974)
The AZ East Valley Action Alliance Board of Directors extend their
prayerful wishes to you and your loved ones
for an especially Happy ~ Safe and Blessed ~ Independence Day!!
Merciful God ~ Please Save America!!
Bless and Protect our Military
Bless and Protect our Pro-Life President (45) Donald J. Trump 480-216-7217 [email protected]
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May God bless and watch over them and their families.
For Information on contacting your Senators: and/or House Representatives: OR click on the following link:
House Democrats today passed the Equality Act, a misnamed bill that would create a so-called “right” to kill babies in abortions and force Americans to fund them. Voting 224-206, largely along party lines, the House of Representatives today approved H.R. 5, the Equality Act, over the objections of pro-life groups that said the legislation would be exploited to promote abortions.
The Equality Act contains language that could be construed to create a right to demand abortion from health care providers, and likely would place at risk the authority of the government to prohibit taxpayer-funded abortions.
“The very name of this legislation, ‘Equality Act,’ is an oxymoron,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “There is nothing equal about treating as second-class citizens health care practitioners who oppose abortion. Under the Equality Act, the unborn child will be the loser.”
The Equality Act would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by defining “sex” to include “pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition.” It is well established that abortion is considered a “related medical condition.” H.R. 5 expands the anti-discrimination provisions in the bill by stating that “pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition shall not receive less favorable treatment than other physical conditions,” and would add “establishments that provide health care” to the list of covered “public accommodations.”
The pro-abortion National Partnership for Women and Families states, “Women would also be able to challenge denials of reproductive health care.”
“If enacted, H.R. 5 would open the door for widespread litigation wherein any attempt to restrict abortion, including the funding of abortion, would constitute discrimination,” said Jennifer Popik, J.D., director of federal legislation for the National Right to Life Committee.
She told that provisions in H.R. 5 would apply to individual health care providers who object to abortion, including those with religious objections. The bill explicitly overrides the protections that are contained in the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
“Forcing health care providers to perform abortions in violation of their conscience rights clearly violates the Constitution,” said NRLC President Carol Tobias. “But pro-abortion forces and their allies in Congress are more concerned about expanding access to abortion.”
The nation’s Catholic bishops also opposed the bill over its abortion promotion provisions and the five leaders of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops sent a letter to federal lawmakers on Tuesday outlining their opposition to the bill.
“Rather than affirm human dignity in ways that meaningfully exceed existing practical protections, the Equality Act would discriminate against people of faith,” the bishops said. “It would also inflict numerous legal and social harms on Americans of any faith or none.”
The bishops’ opposition and that of many other pro-life, conservative and religious leaders comes in reaction to President Joe Biden’s and Democrat leaders’ plans to push the pro-abortion bill through Congress. On the surface, the goal of the Equality Act (House Resolution 5) supposedly is to protect people from discrimination. It would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to redefine sex discrimination to include gender identity and sexual orientation.
But leading pro-life and conservative groups warned that the legislation would create a “right to demand an abortion.” They said medical workers could be forced to help abort unborn babies and taxpayers could be forced to fund their deaths.
The bishops said the legislation includes “an abortion mandate, a violation of precious rights to life and conscience.”
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins also condemned passage of the measure. He told LifeNews: “The Equality Act is repression masquerading as justice. It essentially takes every issue the Left feels is a sacred cow and wraps it into one bill — a legislative right to abortion on demand, special privileges for sexual orientation and gender identity, and the abolition of religious freedom.”
For God, Life & Liberty,
The AZ East Valley Action Alliance 480-216-7217 Life@evactionalliance. org
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Christmas is holy, Christmas is glory
Christmas is the most beautiful story
May yours begin with joy and end with love
With every beautiful blessing that comes from above
The AZ East Valley Pro-Life Alliance
Board of Directors

Veterans Day ~ November 11, 2020
“Preserving Life & Liberty “ – The EVAA Speaks Out!
by evACTion1
No Medicaid Expansion The “right to life” is the foundational right of human beings, upon which all other human rights are based. Our pre-born babies ask nothing extraordinary, or different than we would extend to any “innocent” person. On May 1, 2013 the AZ East Valley Action Alliance issued an urgent call for the […]
EVAA Issues U.S. Supreme Court Victories for Free Speech & Religious Freedom
by evACTion1
June 26, 2014 SCOTUS issues a huge victory for pro-life activists in a 9-0 decision rejecting a Massachusetts law that established a 35 foot buffer zone around abortion clinics that prohibited pro-life counselors from entering to counsel women seeking an abortion; ruling it inconsistent with the First Amendment. June 30, 2014 the High […]
by evACTion1
Let Freedom Ring for Life & Liberty” May the glory of Independence Day Remain on mind, in heart May we cherish our hard-won freedoms That it never falls apart Because those who walked before us Believed in freedoms’ cause so much We can carry forth a torch of honor and “In […]
SCOTUS Rules in Favor of Free Speech
by evACTion1
SCOTUS Rules in Favor of Free Speech! On Thursday, June 26, 2014, the U. S. Supreme Court issued a huge victory for pro-life activists in a 9-0 decision, rejecting a Massachusetts law that established a 35-foot buffer zone around abortion clinics that prohibited pro-life counselors from entering to counsel women seeking […]
Former Abortion Clinic Owner: We Pushed Sex Ed on Kids to Create a Market for Abortion
by evACTion1
Congratulations AZ EVAA
by evACTion1
Dear Jinny and Joe, Congratulations on your First Annual Pro-Life Constitutional Conference. I truly enjoyed the day, the speakers and the opportunity to be a participant. Warmest regards, A. J. LaFaro, GOP County Chairman
How to win in 2014
by evACTion1
“Preserving Life & Liberty” Leading Candidate for Arizona Governor Addresses: “How to Win in 2014” utilizing pro-life constitutional conservative values AT East Valley Action Alliance Pro-Life constitutional Conference on September 21, 2013 Receives Standing Ovations Before and After Speech A m e r i c a n P o […]
Leading Candidate for Arizona Governor addresses EVAA Pro-Life Conference
by evACTion1
Leading Candidate for Arizona Governor Addresses: “How to Win in 2014” utilizing pro-life constitutional conservative values AT East Valley Action Alliance Pro-Life constitutional Conference on September 21, 2013 Receives Standing Ovations Before and After Speech A m e r i c a n P o s t […]
by evACTion1
by evACTion1
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 9, 2013 TheAZ East Valley Pro-Life Alliance Board of Directors is especially pleased to announce AZ Congressman Trent Franks as our “Pro-Life Star ~ 2013”! Congressman Franks, a staunch pro-life Champion for the Babies, will receive the Crystal Star Award during the Luncheon Program of the AZ East Valley Action Alliance […]
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